18 May 2016

Prospective service providers are invited to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) for providing a Public Safety  Service to the Muizenberg Improvement District (MID). This is the 1st step in a 3 phase process of selecting an optimal public safety service within the budget available.

It was agreed to put the Public Safety Tender service out to tender  following a meeting with a delegation of some 30 MID property owners who presented their concerns about pressing public safety issues to the MID Board on Tuesday 15th March 2016.



The Muizenberg Improvement District (MID) came into being 15 years ago because the community cared enough to get together and make a difference. They wanted to clean up the crime and grime and make Muizenberg a safe and attractive place. As the Board of directors of the MID we believe that is what everyone who lives, works and surfs here wants. That is why we have the MID and we can see the transformation that has happened.

The Muizenberg Improvement District  is a legal Not For Profit entity established under the City’s Special Rating Areas by-law and also governed by the South African Companies Act 2008. The MID is a clearly defined geographical area covering just under half a square kilometre. Property owners in the district have contracted to pay a levy to facilitate a joint effort by the City of Cape Town and the local community to ensure more effective management of public areas and to promote business confidence. The MID supplements normal municipal services provided by the City of Cape Town and its funds are focused in four mandated areas:

  • Providing a public safety service
  • Cleansing and Maintenance of public spaces
  • Facilitating Environmental Upliftment : greening of public spaces, managing bad buildings, and recreational space transformation
  • Social Development: supporting the City in finding workable solutions for homelessness and street children

Currently the MID allocates 48% of its budget to Public Safety. More information about the top-up services of the MID can be viewed on www.mid.org.za

Public Safety Services Required

Crime in the Muizenberg Improvement District can be attributed to organised crime, vagrancy and increased homelessness with the added nuisance of bin pickers, beggars  and informal car guards. The top-up public safety measures provided by the MID are focused on making it safe for people to walk in the streets and enjoy public spaces without the constant threat of muggings, theft and harassment.  These services do not replace the services already provided by SAPS, Law Enforcement and Metro-Police and residents remain responsible for the security of their own homes.

The MID is looking for  a service provider capable of making a real difference. One who will set themselves apart by taking ownership and finding innovative solutions for managing safety in public space.  The ideal service provider will understand the complex challenges of public safety; be able to mobilise community engagement; will identify and address trends; and co-ordinate public safety efforts with business owners, residents, and government and city agencies.

For further background please refer to the Public Safety pages of the MID website and the Public Safety Statement issued by the MID Board in March 2016  https://www.mid.org.za/news/mid-public-safety-statement/

The Process and Timeline

Step 1

The call for  Expressions of Interest (EOI) is being managed by the MID Board and a Public Safety Tender Sub-Committee comprising MID members and MID directors who own properties/businesses in the Muizenberg Improvement District. The Committee, chaired by the MID Director responsible for Public Safety, will undertake the evaluation of all submissions and make recommendations to the MID Board.

Interested service providers are invited at this stage to express their interest by submitting an EOI by close of business on 10 June 2016.  Please see requirements below and email submissions for Attention: Chevone Petersen, Manager, Muizenberg Improvement District manager@mid.org.za

Compliant, short-listed service providers will be invited to a compulsory tender briefing on 8 July 2016 where the requirements and scope of the Public Safety service will be discussed in detail.

Step 2

Interested service providers are invited to submit detailed  tender proposals by COB on 29 July 2016. Late submissions will not be considered.

Step 3

Short-listed service providers will be interviewed by the Public Safety Tender Committee on 5 August 2016. The MID Board will review recommendations from the committee and decide on a service provider by 16 August 2016. The appointed service provider will be required to commence operations by 1 October  2016. The MID Board reserves the right not to make an appointment.

Requirements for Expression of Interest

Prospective service providers shall include in their Expression of Interest all information they deem relevant and outline their approach to managing public safety in the MID. EOI documents must include  (but are not limited to) the following:

  • Company profile
  • The company’s understanding of Public Safety in Special Rating Areas
  • Certified copies of company registration documents
  • Letter from a registered bank confirming stability of the business in the last 3 years
  • Original Tax Clearance Certificate
  • PSIRA registration
  • Provide proof of good standing with the Department of Labour including
    • Proof that the company complies with minimum wage of industry
    • Proof that all security guards are registered with UIF and COID

Issued by: Lesley Schroeder, Stakeholder Engagement Director

About the MID

The Muizenberg Improvement District (MID) is a geographic area where property owners have contracted to pay a levy to facilitate a joint effort by the City of Cape Town and the local community to ensure more effective management of public areas and promote business confidence. The Muizenberg Improvement District is a legal not-for-profit company under the City’s Special Rating Areas by-law and also governed by the South African Companies Act 2008.

It is within this governance framework that the MID implements its mandate. This is driven by collaboration and the provision of top-up services in four distinct but integrally related areas of cleaning, environmental upliftment, social development and public safety.
The MID collaborates with city and provincial departments, state owned entities, NGOs and a wide range of residents and business people to improve Muizenberg. Improving means ‘adding to’ not taking away the responsibility for services. Therefore the MID provides strategic direction and puts focused pressure on City and Government agencies whose job it is to police and deliver services.

Website: https://www.mid.org.za

 Enquiries: Chevone Petersen manager @mid.org.za   Cell: 082 463 1525