
The Muizenberg Improvement District [MID] is a clearly defined geographical area where property owners have contracted to pay a levy to facilitate a joint effort by the City of Cape Town and the local community to ensure more effective management of public areas and promote economic growth and sustainable development

The Muizenberg Improvement District is a legal not-for-profit company under the City’s Special Rating Areas by-law and also governed by the South African Companies Act 2008.

It is within this governance framework that the MID implements its mandate. This is driven by collaboration and the provision of top-up services in four distinct but integrally related areas of cleaning, environmental upliftment, social development and public safety.

The MID collaborates with city and provincial departments, state owned entities, NGOs and a wide range of residents and business people to improve Muizenberg. Improving means ‘adding to’ not taking away the responsibility for services. Therefore the MID provides strategic direction and puts focused pressure on City and Government agencies whose job it is to police and deliver services.

While payment of levies is obligatory for ratepayers please be aware that you need to apply to become a member. All property owners are encouraged to join the MID so that we can pool our resources and work together to make Muizenberg a safe and attractive place to live, work and surf.

Please download the membership application form here

We remind  all MID members that if you would like to attend  the member information sessions held in the first half hour (16h00 – 16h30) of the monthly MID board meetings, you may do so by sending an email request detailing the issues and concerns you want to raise and the date you would like to attend. Please email your request to: manager@mid.org.za

See dates for the Board Meetings here

Even if your home is rented out to tenants, or if you only visit at certain times of the year, we urge you to stay close to the work of the MID, by joining as a member and by exercising your right to vote at the AGM held in November each year. You may also give a proxy to your tenant or another resident to vote on your behalf.