Dear MID Members and Levy Payers

The Muizenberg Improvement District (MID) provides top-up services aimed at making our neighbourhood an attractive place to live, work and surf. When an area looks run down, it becomes more vulnerable to crime.  For residents and visitors, the factor that is probably the foundation of all other benefits delivered by the MID is the feeling of being safe. Improving safety is therefore one of the first priorities of an Improvement District.

Crime and Public Safety remains our chief concern.
Not dissimilar to surrounding areas, crime in the Muizenberg Improvement District can be attributed to a mix of factors, including: homeless vagrants, organised crime gangs, bin pickers, day stroller beggars from surrounding areas, and unauthorised car guards. We know from public feedback and social media sites that residents are concerned about these issues which impact their personal safety.

New Public Safety & Security Contract from 1 July 2015
As a board, we have sought expert opinion and carefully analysed the impact of our current public safety and security measures on the community.  Managing public safety is distinctly different from providing security services to individual homes. Public space cannot be ‘guarded’ – this would take a guard on every corner all the time, while even 24-hour walking patrols give only an illusion of safety.

When the present Public Safety & Security Contract was due to expire, the MID Board set out to find a service provider with particular expertise in managing public safety within an improvement district and the will to bring innovative solutions to the table. The selection process that was followed is detailed here.
We are pleased to advise that the MID Public Safety & Security Contract for the next year has been awarded to Securitas who will commence services on 1 July 2015.  Given the budget constraints of the MID, the board has chosen the most cost-effective solution which comprises:

  • For the first time we will have a Public Safety Patrol vehicle  dedicated to the MID 24/7. (The previous contract only covered foot patrols)
  • The Public Safety Patrol vehicle will be driven by Public Safety Officers well trained in the application of  bye-laws;
  • The patrol vehicle can respond a lot quicker and more assertively in a much wider area than the foot patrollers were able to do.
  • The response unit will also have access to back up, when needed, from Securitas who have a large fleet of patrol vehicles in close proximity to the MID.
  • We have a dedicated MID controller who will also manage the incident desk

MID Patrol Vehicle 25 June 2015

Securitas will work in close cooperation with the MID Manager, the MID Public Safety & Security Portfolio Director (and Board) in liaising with SAPS, Law Enforcement, Metro Police, Railway Police, Traffic, Community Police Forum (CPF), The Muizenberg Community Safety Initiative (MCSI), residents and businesses. This level of collaboration is key to effective coordination of the MID Public Safety and Security Strategy.

Public and Private Space
In the past, there has been some confusion over where the MID public safety service ends and where personal responsibility for safety and security starts. An improvement districts’ mandate is only for the public spaces within its area, not for the safety and security of private properties. Nevertheless, the safer public spaces are, the safer the private properties in the area are likely to be.
While the public may report incidents of harassment and crime in public spaces to the control room on 021 762 3813, it is important to note that the MID patrol vehicle will not respond to crime incidents at houses and businesses. Please find more information here

Important to report Crime
The MID urges residents and businesses to report all crime incidents; because under-reported crime translates to inaccurate crime stats, and if crime appears lower than it is, the MID and the CPF have less power to lobby for the deployment of more police men and women in the Muizenberg area.

Safety starts with the individual
MID actively encourages neighbours to form WhatsApp groups so they can alert each other (and the authorities) to suspicious activity in their streets. MID is also helping drive membership of the Neighbourhood Watch – known as the Muizenberg Community Safety Initiative (MCSI). Please download the MCSI membership form on the MID Website and find a way to be involved – extra eyes, ears and feet make a difference. Email your completed membership form to Trevor Snyders at
Even if your home is rented out to tenants, or if you only visit at certain times of the year, we urge you to stay close to the work of the MID, by joining as a member (a membership form can be downloaded on the MID website), and by exercising your right to vote at the AGM held in November each year. You may also give a proxy to your tenant or another resident to vote on your behalf.

The MID Board
Each Board member is accountable for a specific portfolio and details can be reviewed on the MID website at: During my tenure, the role of Chair has concentrated on building the team and setting clear objectives for the core business areas. The Board have successfully faced many challenges during my term and we would not have achieved this success without the support of the community. I will be succeeded as Chair by Steven Frankal at the end of this financial year.  He will bring a new dimension to the role and I trust you will afford him the same level of support.

Detailed Information about the Services Coordinated by the MID
As a property owner within the MID, the levy you pay is proportional to the value of your property. In the MID, levies are low (domestic properties range from R50 – R300 per month). While this means that the MID has limited resources compared to some of the larger improvement districts, the board uses the funds strategically and thoughtfully so that your contribution feeds directly into tangible improvements and services.

Please visit the MID website  for details of the cleaning programme and collaborative actions that are transforming the beachfront, greening public spaces, enabling the MID to keep close track of over-crowded and derelict buildings, and finding innovative solutions to the plight of the permanent homeless who live on our streets.

Please stay in touch
Going forward, we will be using internet-based tools to keep you informed of what is happening in the Muizenberg Improvement District. This is not only cost-effective but also ensures that you are easily updated with news and important information on our website.

Could you kindly make sure that we have your correct email address and cell phone number should you wish to receive communication from the MID. Please email our MID manager, Chevone Petersen with your contact details on


Thank you

Tony Smith
June 2015

About MID:

The Muizenberg Improvement District [MID] is a geographic area where property owners have contracted to pay a levy to facilitate a joint effort by the City of Cape Town and the local community to ensure more effective management of public areas and promote economic growth and sustainable development.

The MID supplements normal municipal services provided by the City, using its funds to deal with crime and grime, enhance the environment and address social issues like vagrancy and finding workable solutions for the homeless. The Muizenberg Improvement District is a legal entity established under the City’s Special Rating Areas by-law and also governed by the South African Companies Act 2008. Website:

Enquiries: Chevone Petersen  Tel: 021 788 1196 Cell: 082 463 1525