The Muizenberg Improvement District formally submitted the below letter to the Community Policing Forum, objecting to the R100 million rand Muizenberg SAPS upgrade.


02 March 2017

Frank Bokhorst
Muizenberg CPF

Dear Frank,

Re: Proposed Muizenberg Police Station Upgrade

The Muizenberg Improvement District (MID) hereby strongly objects to the R100m proposed Muizenberg Police Station upgrade. Our suggestion is that National Government use the R100m towards moving the police station to the c/o Prince George Drive & Capricorn Boulevard.

The below statistics from the Department of Community Safety clearly supports the need for the Muizenberg Station to MOVE to the aforementioned location in order to better service this precinct.

  1. Population Growth:

The Muizenberg precinct, as per the census in 2011, saw a population growth of 72.5% (33 866 in 2001 to 58 412 in 2011). THIS, the highest population growth in the Wynberg Policing Cluster precinct. These statistics clearly supports the need for the police station to move nearer to the communities that require active and accessible services from SAPS, i.e. Capricorn, Overcome Heights and Sheridon Park.

  1. Crime 2014/15:

Whilst Muizenberg saw a decrease in murder cases, from 33 in 2001 to 29 in 2014/15, it also contributed 34.4% (29) of the murders in the cluster! In addition to this, Muizenberg also reported the highest cases of contact crime, 953. Contact crimes include that of robbery with aggravated assault, assault GBH, attempted murder, common robbery and common assault.

  1. Proactive Policing 2014/15:

Crime detected as a result of police action saw Muizenberg coming in at second with 465 crimes of which a whopping 73.8% was drug related!

  1. Cluster Needs 2015/16:

Professional Policing – SAPS: insufficient staffing, poor reaction time (the current location of the Muizenberg police station!), insufficient authorised drivers, insufficient staff at CSC, high levels of absenteeism, lack of trust in SAPS to report crimes, public not aware of the criminal justice system and the increase in the number of drug related crimes and drug dealers in communities and lack of action against dealers.

  1. Public Spaces:

In the cluster, gangsterism, the high number of shebeens and illegal occupation of municipal properties/land is a major concern.

When looking at the Department of Community Safety statistics, it becomes quite clear that the precincts where there are a combination of informal settlements, disadvantaged communities and communities established as a result of the Group Areas Act – the challenges are most high.

Of most interest is that Muizenberg has the highest number of resources (SRA’s, NHW, etc.) in the cluster, YET crime in this precinct still ranks in the top three.

These numbers can largely be attributed to the current location of the Muizenberg Police Station which creates an additional barrier to crime prevention efforts as a result of the inaccessible location for the communities along Prince George Drive i.e.  Overcome Heights, Capricorn and Sheridon Park areas.

Should National Government NOT move the location of the Muizenberg Police Station then their action is a gross indictment of the very communities who need them the most! The Muizenberg Improvement District will not stand by silently whilst Government spends R100m on a police upgrade, at a police station that is largely inaccessible to the communities who report the most violent crimes!

Moving the Muizenberg Police Station to c/o Prince George Drive and Capricorn Boulevard can only improve policing services in the entire precinct.

Our objection to the upgrade is clear, and we strongly support the police station’s relocation to an accessible site as mentioned above.

Frank, we trust that you will ensure that this letter reach the relevant persons in a position of authority to give due consideration to our request for the police station to be relocated and not upgraded.

Yours truly,

The Muizenberg Improvement District Board


You too can have a say in this R100 million rand upgrade; let your voice be heard!

About MID:

The Muizenberg Improvement District [MID] is a geographic area where property owners have contracted to pay a levy to facilitate a joint effort by the City of Cape Town and the local community to ensure more effective management of public areas and to promote business confidence.

The MID supplements normal municipal services provided by the City, using its funds to deal with public safety, enhance the environment and address social issues like vagrancy and finding workable solutions for the homeless. The Muizenberg Improvement District is a legal entity established under the City’s Special Rating Areas by-law and also governed by the South African Companies Act 2008.


Chevone Petersen