March Public Safety at a Glance

March Public Safety at a Glance

During the month of March the MID public safety patrollers responded to two incidents of couples fighting in public. In the one case, a couple fighting while walking to their home in the Village, and in the other case, two car guards. In both cases the victims refused...
Trying Something Different on the Catwalk | Public Safety

Trying Something Different on the Catwalk | Public Safety

The MID has been working closely with Law Enforcement on brainstorming solutions to improve public safety and security in the area. One area identified has been the Muizenberg St. James Catwalk and how this links with the MID area. The challenge of patrolling the...
Let’s Not Become Complacent | Community Safety

Let’s Not Become Complacent | Community Safety

On the morning of March 8th, the Muizenberg community came face-to-face with the impact of gang violence from neighbouring communities when an incident arising from a court appearance spilled out onto the York Road Parking area. Shots were fired and MID Public Safety...
Community Collaboration. A Force To Be Reckoned With!

Community Collaboration. A Force To Be Reckoned With!

Every year, for the past 30 odd, has been a time when locals prepare for the surge of visitors, family and friends who see our amazing village by the sea as their prime holiday destination. The swell of visitors becomes a tsunami wave of bodies when the season peaks...