Reaching out on World Homeless Day

Reaching out on World Homeless Day

“I left home at the age of 14 due to abuse and have been living on the streets ever since.  I want to go to rehab and be a better parent for my child, but I am afraid that I may never see my children again if I go to rehab.” A young adult, sharing her wishes with...
Shifting Focus | Full Time Social Development Support Services

Shifting Focus | Full Time Social Development Support Services

Social development, “Give a Hand-Up, not a Hand-Out”, within the MID requires a transversal approach. Social development challenges along with inadequate transformation and support services, permeate throughout the streets of Cape Town.  Zone in on Muizenberg, and you...
100 Seniors Visit Muizenberg for Mandela Day

100 Seniors Visit Muizenberg for Mandela Day

It was an early start to an extraordinary day for one hundred senior citizens, dressed in their best, from Heideveld, Netreg, Woodstock, Eersteriver and Lavender Hill as they made their way to Muizenberg. A programme arranged by Rail Tourism, Metrorail Area South and...
Going Home After Living on the Streets for 19 Years

Going Home After Living on the Streets for 19 Years

“You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.” – Maya Angelou.  Reflecting upon the work of social...
Far South Consultative Seminar:  Street Children

Far South Consultative Seminar: Street Children

The seminar focussed on identifying the barriers, and brainstorm solutions, to intervention services and family preservation that may positively impact the life of street children. “Today we are on a level playing field . . .  , we can only benefit the children on the...