Everything YOU need to know about the new U-Turn Centre for homeless in Muizenberg

Dear MID Members,

This special newsletter is to provide you with further details of the new Service Centre for homeless people in Muizenberg.

The Muizenberg Service Centre, which had a ‘soft launch’ last week, is the culmination of many months of hard work by MID and U-Turn.

The U-Turn Service Centre forms a pivotal part of the MID’s broader social development vision for Muizenberg and is aligned with our approach of ‘Giving a Hand-Up, Not a Hand-out’. As such, MID has committed to partially funding the centre for an initial period.

MID is also supporting the centre by lobbying for residential and business buy-in, which is absolutely crucial to ensure the success of the project. So far the response from the community has been overwhelmingly positive; residents and businesses alike seem to recognise the dire need for an NPO like U-Turn, which has an excellent track record, to be operating in Muizenberg.

We are confident that with continued support from MID, the local community and visitors, U-Turn will be able to equip many people in the area with the skills and support needed to overcome homelessness.

Peter Corbett
MID Chair