Property owners within the MID boundary – sign up as MID members and have your say!
The Muizenberg Improvement District will be holding its annual AGM this month and you’re invited:
Date: Thursday 23 November 2017
Time: 17h30 for 18h00
Venue: Muizenberg Bowling Club, Muizenberg Park, Main Road, Muizenberg
But remember that, even though MID collects funds from all ratepayers within its boundaries, you may only vote at meetings if you joined as a member, so in preparation for the AGM we would like to exhort all ratepayers within our area to join as members if you didn’t already. And a special invitation to residents of our newest area – the “Wherry Road triangle”!
Simply download the membership form here, and return to, confirming your attendance before 22 November.
Remember that MID is mainly run by community volunteers, and so we need your support in decision-making AND throughout the year to make things happen!
Key decision items at the AGM will include election of the board members for the coming year and approval of the 2018/9 implementation plan. There will also be time at the end for more general discussion. All documentation is available if you wish to review it ahead of time and can be found here:
CoR 36.2 Notice
Notice & Agenda
Minutes of the 2016 AGM
Annual Financial Statements 2015/16
Annual Financial Statements 2016/17
Implementation Plan 2018/19
Proposed Budget 2018/19
Proposed Surplus Budget 2018/19
Utilisation of Surplus 2017/18
Director Nomination Form
Membership Application Form
Proxy Form