A delegation of  property  owners and MID members living in the Muizenberg Improvement District asked for an extended public session to present their concerns regarding pressing public safety issues to the MID Board on Tuesday 15th March 2016.

The delegation of around 30 residents was led by Toby Megaw. Written statements were received from seven residents. Also present at the meeting were Councilor Dave D’Alton and Eddie Scott and Joepie Joubert, Inter-Services Liaison(ISL), City of Cape Town.

Toby Megaw put specific questions to the MID Directors:

Is the MID Board prepared to:

  • Put the Public Safety contract out to tender?
  • Work in close consultation with the delegation’s representatives throughout the process of setting criteria for the next MID Public Safety contract; assessing the options; and choosing the most suitable service provider solutions?

Steven Frankal, MID Chair, thanked the delegation and ISL for their participation and commitment to working with the MID. He promised that after consulting with his fellow directors, the MID Board would respond within 24 hours via the MID website.

The MID board has reached a unanimous decision which is as follows:

  1. We are encouraged that MID members and property owners in the Muizenberg Improvement District approached us in a focused way and that they are taking positive steps to assist the MID Board to find solutions for managing public safety.
  2. The Board wholeheartedly welcomes the involvement of MID members in the decision-making process about the MID Public Safety service provider.
  3. The Board is prepared to put the Public Safety contract out to tender when the current contract expires at the end of June 2016. This does not indicate a show of no faith in Securitas, the present service provider, but a commitment to exploring the best Public Safety options for the MID.
  4. The Board will request Mr Toby Megaw to name four MID members who can serve on a Public Safety sub-committee. This sub-committee must be representative of the entire MID area and will comprise:
    • I member representing residential properties
    • I member representing commercial properties outside of the residential/village area
    • I member representing the Neighbourhood Watch
    • 1 member representing a recognised, constituted community organisation
  5. The Board  intends to convene the first meeting of this sub-committee in April 2016.
  6. Notice provisions in terms of the current 12 month Public Safety contract are as follows: 3 months written notice must be given to the current service provider and the notice period may not commence prior to the expiration of the contract period.
  7. Our stipulation is that the sub-committee be cognizant that the MID Board will adhere strictly to what is legally permissible for a SRA to put in place; and that the MID directors carry legal liability for decisions and will therefore, after due robust and transparent consultation with the sub-committee, have the final say on any decisions made.

Issued by Lesley Schroeder, Stakeholder Engagement Director, MID

About MID:

The Muizenberg Improvement District [MID] is a geographic area where property owners have contracted to pay a levy to facilitate a joint effort by the City of Cape Town and the local community to ensure more effective management of public areas and to promote business confidence.

The MID supplements normal municipal services provided by the City, using its funds to deal with crime and grime, enhance the environment and address social issues like vagrancy and finding workable solutions for the homeless. The Muizenberg Improvement District is a legal entity established under the City’s Special Rating Areas by-law and also governed by the South African Companies Act 2008. Website: https://www.mid.org.za

Enquiries: Chevone Petersen manager@mid.org.za        

Phone: 021 788 1196 or 082 463 1525