MLRA News | Stagnant Water and Mosquitos

MLRA News | Stagnant Water and Mosquitos

Dear Residents and Interested Parties Please note that Mosquitos do have the ability to transmit disease. Cape Town is clear of many of the major diseases, but due to climate change and evolution when there is an excess of one species, disease can occur. Let’s not be...
Shifting Focus | Full Time Social Development Support Services

Shifting Focus | Full Time Social Development Support Services

Social development, “Give a Hand-Up, not a Hand-Out”, within the MID requires a transversal approach. Social development challenges along with inadequate transformation and support services, permeate throughout the streets of Cape Town.  Zone in on Muizenberg, and you...
Muizenberg, the Gateway to the South

Muizenberg, the Gateway to the South

“We need to move forward as a collective, making progress together” was the statement made by Cllr. Eddie Andrews when addressing the tourism stakeholders in Muizenberg, discussing the development of a tourism route for the South. This year PRASA partnered with City...
From EPWPs to MID Employees

From EPWPs to MID Employees

They’ve gone from EPWPs working along the beachfront from Sunrise Circle to St. James to employees of the Muizenberg Improvement District (MID).  During their first month with MID, they filled almost 2,000 bags with sand, weed and litter cleared from gutters,...
100 Seniors Visit Muizenberg for Mandela Day

100 Seniors Visit Muizenberg for Mandela Day

It was an early start to an extraordinary day for one hundred senior citizens, dressed in their best, from Heideveld, Netreg, Woodstock, Eersteriver and Lavender Hill as they made their way to Muizenberg. A programme arranged by Rail Tourism, Metrorail Area South and...