Let’s Not Become Complacent | Community Safety

Let’s Not Become Complacent | Community Safety

On the morning of March 8th, the Muizenberg community came face-to-face with the impact of gang violence from neighbouring communities when an incident arising from a court appearance spilled out onto the York Road Parking area. Shots were fired and MID Public Safety...
Our Relationship with Alcohol and Responsible Liquor Trading

Our Relationship with Alcohol and Responsible Liquor Trading

1019 units of alcohol confiscated around the Muizenberg beachfront area on New Year’s Day. Let that sink in, 1019 units! Some of units were confiscated from people leaving the shopping area, making their way to the beachfront. Some from passengers as they disembarked...
Community Collaboration. A Force To Be Reckoned With!

Community Collaboration. A Force To Be Reckoned With!

Every year, for the past 30 odd, has been a time when locals prepare for the surge of visitors, family and friends who see our amazing village by the sea as their prime holiday destination. The swell of visitors becomes a tsunami wave of bodies when the season peaks...
Public Safety Highlights

Public Safety Highlights

Crime in the MID area fluctuates from month to month and it would be imprudent to read too much into these “trends” but at the same time the past 3 months do seem to indicate higher than usual criminal activity in the neighbourhood, and during the month of September,...