MID Newsletter – December 2020
Dear MID Members,
Well, we’ve made it to the end of 2020, ‘the year of plenty’…of trials and tribulations.
It’s been an incredibly tough year for all, but if there is a silver lining for this year, from a MID perspective we can at least celebrate that:
- Our 24/7 high definition cameras went live, ensuring the entire MID area is now covered by high-definition surveillance cameras that are monitored and responded to in real-time and which have resulted in crime prevention and arrests.
- We are one step closer to seeing the launch of a rehabilitation programme for Muizenberg’s homeless.
- MID assisted local feeding schemes to feed vulnerable people during the pandemic.
- We are making headway in greening Muizenberg, as well as working with businesses to promote Muizenberg as a tourist destination and communicating better with you, our members.