Passengers getting off the train at False Bay station at night often feel uneasy and vulnerable walking home in the dark. In fact, many passengers run down the road, fearful of being harassed or attacked.
Recognising that the walk home poses a security risk to residents, the Muizenberg Improvement District (MID) has stepped in and asked its Public Safety Patrollers to stand by and assist passengers on the late night train. The initiative has been gratefully welcomed by the 30 odd passengers but it is a short term intervention.
The MID Public Safety Service is provided by Securitas. Operations Director, Stuart Wragg said :
There’s an obvious need to help train commuters get home safely. Longer term, we’re hoping to use the Safety Operations Forum to identify ways that passengers can band together themselves and also be supported by neighbourhood watches in Muizenberg and Marine Estate.
In the past, the Muizenberg Community Safety Initiative (MCSI) patrolled Albertyn Road when the late night trains came in. The MCSI would escort passengers as far as the vlei bridge where they would be handed over to the Marine Estate Neighbourhood Watch. Volunteer patrollers with torches and dogs were a definite deterrent to criminal elements hanging around to prey on passengers. Sadly, support for these patrols dwindled over time. But now residents are showing renewed interest in working together to make their community safer and residents and passengers interested in discussing solutions should contact the MCSI Chair, Trevor Snyders on or 081 425 0683.
Aloy Gowne, MID Director responsible for the Public Safety Portfolio explained that the safety of public areas in the Muizenberg Improvement District is a priority for the Board. The MID provides public safety measures to top up services already provided by City Law Enforcement and the SAPS. He said:
Within the constraints of our limited resources, we are continually evaluating public safety and looking at ways to reduce anti-social and criminal behaviour which impact residents quality of life and their right to live without constant fear of crime.
Residents in the Muizenberg Improvement District are reminded that each month there is a half hour slot at the MID Board meeting for public discussion and engagement. Residents and Property owners are encouraged to make use of this opportunity. Please visit the public safety pages of the MID website for more information.
Issued by Lesley Schroeder, Stakeholder Engagement Director, MID