The City of Cape Town offers a free recycling service in some suburbs in Cape Town – it’s called “Think Twice”, and it makes the whole prospect of recycling so much easier: separate your recyclables, put them out on the same day as your other rubbish, and they’re collected by a recycling contractor. Unfortunately the City has not rolled this service out to Muizenberg, and there is no indication that there are plans to do so any time soon. Muizenberg’s own recycling initiative has unfortunately fallen away, as the community leader who was doing it has moved out of the area.
MID is in discussion with the City to motivate that the free service is extended into our area – we’ll keep you updated on this, but in the meantime what can we do?
Muizenberg Group Discount Option
Cara Dowling has approached recycling company Clearer Conscience and as a result they are offering Muizenbergers a whopping 50% discount on recycling collections if 20 or more households sign up before the end of August 2017. Their normal rate is R60 per collection of up to 4 bags.
You could team up with a neighbour if you feel you don’t generate enough alone.
All you need to do is separate your recycling into bags and put those bags out on collection day. Couldn’t be simpler! They also take e-waste, bric-a-brac and clothes etc. For more information visit, and to sign-up contact Cara on for details if you reside in Muizenberg.
Other Paid Options
There are MANY companies offering various types of recycling service – for a full listing click here.
Free Options
Many nearby shopping centres have recycle bins for different materials, e.g. Lakeside, Steenberg, etc. Get to know your nearest depot and what they take – bank up your recycling and drop off by car every couple of weeks.